Tuesday 3 May 2016

IS kills US service member in Iraq

US Defence Secretary Ash Carter said he feared a US soldier had been killed in northern Iraq's autonomous Kurdish region Tauseef Mustafa (AFP/File)

The Islamic State group killed a US service member in Iraq Tuesday, the Pentagon said.

The fatality occurred during an IS attack on a Peshmerga position north of Mosul, Pentagon spokesman Peter Cook said in a statement.

The US-led anti-IS coalition had said earlier that a service member had died but did not specify a nationality.
“He was killed by direct fire,” a defense official told AFP.

Cook said the attack took place about three to five kilometers (two to three miles) behind the forward line of troops, adding that the service member was advising and assisting Peshmerga forces.

“As (US Defense Secretary Ashton) Carter noted today in Germany, this sad news is a reminder of the dangers our men and women in uniform face every day in the ongoing fight to destroy ISIS and end the threat the group poses to the United States and the rest of the world,” Cook said, using an alternate acronym for the IS group.

“Our coalition will honor this sacrifice by dealing ISIS a lasting defeat.”

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