Wednesday 4 May 2016

US wins pledge of more resources from anti-IS coalition

US Secretary of Defence Ashton Carter addresses a press conference in Stuttgart, Germany, on May 4, 2016  after a meeting of the coalition fighting the Islamic State group, including representatives from France, Germany and Britain. / AFP PHOTO / DANIEL ROLAND

A coalition of countries battling Islamic State jihadists in Syria and Iraq pledged Wednesday to pour more resources into the fight, after coming under strong pressure from Washington for greater contributions.
 The promise came after a meeting in Stuttgart of defence ministers from countries involved in the anti-IS coalition, during which US Defence Secretary Ashton Carter drove home the message that to deal IS a body blow, “all must do more”.

Carter’s call to step up the fight came just a week after US President Barack Obama reiterated a long-standing demand for members of NATO to increase their defence spending to meet the alliance’s target of two percent of output.

In a joint statement, the coalition stressed their “strong support to further accelerate and reinforce the success of our partners on the ground and for the deployment of additional enabling capabilities in the near term, in order to hasten the collapse of ISIL’s control” over the city of Mosul in Iraq and Syria’s Raqqa.

Speaking to reporters, Carter said he was “confident that today’s meeting will produce additional military commitments”.

Besides military resources, defence ministers meeting at the US European Command’s headquarters also examined their economic and political contributions to the campaign, he said.

“It’s going to take more to win. We’re going to win but we all need to do more,” Carter told reporters.
“This fight is far from over and there are great risks,” he said.

But “allowing ISIL safe haven would carry even greater risk. To accelerate ISIL’s lasting defeat, all must do more,” he said, using another acronym for the Islamic State group.

Carter also paid tribute to a US Navy SEAL who was killed in Iraq on Tuesday during an IS attack on a position of Kurdish peshmerga forces north of Mosul.

“The whole country has to be grateful to this young man and his family for this sacrifice. But tragically losses will occur.

“This is necessary to protect our country and not to do something would entail even greater risks,” he said after the talks with the defence ministers of Australia, Britain, Canada, Denmark, France, Germany, Italy, New Zealand, Norway and Spain.

Carter said he had proposed that the anti-IS coalition hold another meeting in Washington this summer.

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